Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Nomination Is In: The G1 Haskell and the G3 Oceanport at Monmouth Park

Good Magic:  Photo by Jamie Newell/

Welcome Friends to the Turk and the Little Turk Blog.

10 years ago I handicapped the Haskell in between games of Little Turk's U-8 soccer team's tournament.  Today I was watching the same team, the U-19 Storm kicking ass in the same tournament and in between games I was handicapping the Haskell.  I love the symmetry of life and I love how many memories are anchored to my horse racing infatuation.  I was just talking to Poppa Turk the other day about the good time we had at the Travers Stakes when Grasshopper almost upset Street Sense.  Without missing a beat Little Turk interjected, "...that was 2007".  I love the track.  There is a special magic to the way the track makes me forget my work stresses, my problems, and time disappears,  True relaxation.

I'm enjoying my re-engagement with handicapping.  While I've been blogging over ten years now, I didn't handicap much at all from last years Breeders' Cup until a few weeks ago.  I like to take handicapper holidays now.  when I engage with something, I do it with everything I have.  I love my job, I give everything I have mentally to it, and my handicapping is is what helps me freshen and recharge.  The next few months are my favorite part of the horse racing season anyways, so I'm ready to get after lots of race days.  Let's go!

I'm going to gamble most of the Haskell card and these two races are just a slice of a horizontal betting sequence I'll be assembling.  Expect good weather.  You'll find scratches and changes here.

In the Haskell, I am singling Good Magic and I think this accomplished horse, now the best 3 YO still in training, should win this race 3 out of 4 times.  Trainer Brown is 30$ off a 60-180 day break. and Good Magic has been on the bench since breaking under pressure at Pimlico in the Preakness.

I like Core Beliefs, the son of  Quality Road coming in off the Ohio Derby win.

I think Lone Sailor and Bravazo are right there with Core Beliefs.

Lone Sailor is winless in 8 starts on dirt and has one win in 11 starts lifetime.  Training well for Conditioner Tom Amoss, with Joe Bravo up.  The best late Timeform Pace of 117.  Bravazo, the Calumet Farms runner for D. Wayne Lucas, is a solid fast dirt race horse, nothing fancy.   His signature race is the Risen Star, winning at 21-1 post time odds.

I plan on betting an exact with Good Magic on Top and two value horses below, like Lone Sailor and maybe value, maybe not Core Beliefs

In the Oceanport, I like the late turn of foot of Synchrony;  7 of 7 in the money over grass, 12 of 14 in the money lifetime, this 4 YO son of Tapit cuts back in distance.

6 Yo Force the Pass is 13 of 15 in the money on turf and has a $1.3 MM career earnings.  A hard knocking veteran.  Respect.

Irish Straight has to be considered.  NJ Homebred for Isabelle Tomaso, 8 of 10 in the money at Monmouth.  I might have him too low in my base handicap. 

48 race combatant Kharafa, a 9 YO, hasn't won in a long while but possesses late speed and could hit the board.  Dr. Mounty, a 5 YO Street Sense, is on the edges of the exotic tickets. 

I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, but the handicapping is done and I'm going to sleep on it.

Have fun.  Turk Out!

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